Tuesday, April 30, 2024

California behind on goals for reducing greenhouse gases Los Angeles Times

green house effect

White House officials have renewed discussions about potentially declaring a national climate emergency, an unprecedented step that could unlock federal powers to stifle oil development. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. The story dragged into Thursday, and after being peppered with questions on the prior night's chaos, the premier joked with reporters they "weren't engrossed enough in the energy debate". Debate on the clean energy targets was progressing in a mostly cordial fashion on Wednesday night, until shortly after 6pm. It's proposed to generate 5,000 megawatts of power for 24 hours, equivalent to around half of the entire state's peak usage, and the largest pumped hydro scheme in the world. With the clean energy target legislation, the final answer has been defined.

‘H Is for Hope’ explores history of climate change and why there’s hope for the future

green house effect

Speaking up is one way to multiply impact and create change on a much bigger scale. During COP26, the European Union and the United States launched the Global Methane Pledge, which will see over 100 countries aim to reduce 30 per cent of methane emissions in the fuel, agriculture and waste sectors by 2030. As you might expect from the name, the greenhouse effect works … like a greenhouse!

green house effect

Energy balance and temperature

Radiative forcing (RF) is another way to measure greenhouse gases (and other climate drivers, such as the sun’s brightness and large volcanic eruptions). Also known as climate forcing, RF indicates the difference between how much of the sun’s energy gets absorbed by the earth and how much is released into space as a result of any one climate driver. A climate driver with a positive RF value indicates that it has a warming effect on the planet; a negative value represents cooling. Saturn's distant moon Titan, which has a thick nitrogen atmosphere with about a thousand times greater concentration of methane as Earth, is also subject to the greenhouse effect. On Mars, greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide might have been released during ancient impact events.

Metrics for the greenhouse effect

Greenhouse Effect - National Geographic Society

Greenhouse Effect.

Posted: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Greenhouses are used to grow plants, such as tomatoes and tropical flowers. Over the course of the 20th century, precipitation increased in eastern parts of North and South America, northern Europe, and northern and central Asia. However, it has decreased in parts of Africa, the Mediterranean, and southern Asia. Barking up the Wrong TreeSpruce bark beetles in the U.S. state of Alaska have had a population boom thanks to 20 years of warmer-than-average summers. The insects have managed to chew their way through 1.6 million hectares (four million acres) of spruce trees.

Fourier, however, neither used the term greenhouse effect nor credited atmospheric gases with keeping Earth warm. Swedish physicist and physical chemist Svante Arrhenius is credited with the origins of the term in 1896, with the publication of the first plausible climate model that explained how gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap heat. Arrhenius first refers to this “hot-house theory” of the atmosphere—which would be known later as the greenhouse effect—in his work Worlds in the Making (1903). All of the funds awarded through the Solar for All program will be invested in low-income and disadvantaged communities.

Global Greenhouse Gas Overview US EPA - U.S. EPA.gov

Global Greenhouse Gas Overview US EPA.

Posted: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In simple words, increasing the greenhouse effect gives rise to a runaway greenhouse effect which would increase the temperature of the earth to such an extent that no life will exist in the near future. The industries and factories produce harmful gases which are released in the atmosphere. The carbon cycle describes the process in which carbon atoms continually travel from the atmosphere into the Earth, then released back into the atmosphere. CO2 concentrations are increasing at a rate of about 2–3 ppm/year and are expected to exceed 900 ppm by the end of the 21st century. From high above Earth's surface, TES looks down through the atmosphere and measures how much ozone is at different altitudes. This information is called an ozone profile—like slicing through the atmosphere and seeing it from the side.

Greenhouse effect and temperature

More acidic water can be harmful to many ocean creatures, such as certain shellfish and coral. Warming oceans — from too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere — can also be harmful to these organisms. Unfortunately, the increased carbon dioxide in the ocean changes the water, making it more acidic. Glaciers and ice caps cover about 10 percent of the world’s landmasses.

While the California plants are marginally more efficient than the average American cement factory, they emit about 33% more pollutants than those in China and India, the report said. Despite the report’s prognosis, authors acknowledged that California is the third-most carbon-efficient state, after New York and Massachusetts. California’s carbon intensity is 8.8% lower than the national average, according to the report. Randolph pointed out that even though the California economy rebounded in 2021 by 8%, emissions increased by just 3.4%.

Researchers around the world continue to work toward finding ways to lower greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate their effects. One potential solution scientists are examining is to suck some of the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and bury it underground indefinitely. Advocates argue that carbon capture and storage is technologically feasible, but market forces have prevented widespread adoption. The exchange of incoming and outgoing radiation that warms the Earth is often referred to as the greenhouse effect because an agricultural greenhouse works in much the same way. Incoming shortwave UV radiation easily passes through the glass walls of a greenhouse and is absorbed by the plants and hard surfaces inside. Weaker, longwave IR radiation, however, has difficulty passing through the glass walls and is thereby trapped inside, warming the greenhouse.

But Earth's balmy temperatures would not be possible without the greenhouse effect, which traps solar energy on Earth's surface and keeps the planet warm. Human-caused nitrous oxide emissions largely arise from agriculture practices. Bacteria in soil and water naturally convert nitrogen into nitrous oxide, but fertilizer use and run-off add to this process by putting more nitrogen into the environment. Many human societies depend on predictable rain patterns in order to grow specific crops for food, clothing, and trade. If the climate of an area changes, the people who live there may no longer be able to grow the crops they depend on for survival. Some scientists also worry that tropical diseases will expand their ranges into what are now more temperate regions if the temperatures of those areas increase.

Cumulatively, no country has emitted more carbon dioxide than the United States—approximately 25 percent of the global total—with the European Union and United Kingdom (EU-28) just behind it. China is responsible for around 15 percent of the cumulative global total, but currently emits more carbon dioxide annually than any other country (31 percent). Together, the major economies of China, the United States (14 percent), the EU-28 (8 percent), India (7 percent), and Russia (5 percent) represent almost 65 percent of annual global emissions. Today and historically, African countries and small island nations, some of the regions most vulnerable to the harsh impacts of climate change, contribute the least. However, human activity is resulting in the increased emission of so-called greenhouse gases (GHGs) which, unlike other atmospheric gases such as oxygen and nitrogen, becomes trapped in the atmosphere, unable to escape the planet. Some greenhouse gases, such as methane, are produced through agricultural practices, in the form of livestock manure, for example.

Greenhouse gases: Causes, sources and environmental effects

green house effect

Radiative forcing caused by carbon dioxide varies in an approximately logarithmic fashion with the concentration of that gas in the atmosphere. The logarithmic relationship predicts that the surface warming potential will rise by roughly the same amount for each doubling of CO2 concentration. At current rates of fossil-fuel use, a doubling of CO2 concentrations over preindustrial levels is expected to take place by the middle of the 21st century (when CO2 concentrations are projected to reach 560 ppm). A doubling of CO2 concentrations would represent an increase of roughly 4 watts per square metre of radiative forcing. Given typical estimates of “climate sensitivity” in the absence of any offsetting factors, this energy increase would lead to a warming of 2 to 5 °C (3.6 to 9 °F) over preindustrial times.

Climate Change Indicators: U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions US EPA - U.S. EPA.gov

Climate Change Indicators: U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions US EPA.

Posted: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

What Are the Causes of Climate Change?

This $7 billion investment will generate over $350 million in annual savings on electric bills for overburdened households. The program will reduce 30 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions cumulatively, from over four gigawatts of solar energy capacity unlocked for low-income communities over five years. Solar and distributed energy resources help improve electric grid reliability and climate resilience, which is especially important in disadvantaged communities that have long been underserved. Burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, farming and livestock production all contribute to the greenhouse effect. Industries and factories also play a major role in the release of greenhouse gases.

The Greenhouse Effect and our Planet - National Geographic Society

The Greenhouse Effect and our Planet.

Posted: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

What Are the Solutions to Climate Change?

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere far exceeds the naturally occurring range seen during the last 650,000 years.

Causes of Greenhouse Effect

Energy from the Sun that makes its way to Earth can have trouble finding its way back out to space. The greenhouse effect causes some of this energy to be waylaid in the atmosphere, absorbed and released by greenhouse gases. NASA has observed increases in the amount of carbon dioxide and some other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

Sea levels are rising at an extraordinary pace. Here's what to know.

While other planets in Earth's solar system are either scorching hot or bitterly cold, Earth's surface has relatively mild, stable temperatures. Earth enjoys these temperatures because of its atmosphere, which is the thin layer of gases that cloak and protect the planet. Although carbon monoxide does not act as a greenhouse gas, it is poisonous to breathe. Because more energy enters than exits the planet, surface temperatures increase until a new balance is achieved.

green house effect

Other major emitters include India, the Russian Federation, Japan and Brazil. Finally, many different industries rely on carbon-rich fuels or other processes that give off CO2. All of these sectors can make changes to emit less CO2, but the same solutions won’t work for all of them. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be below freezing. However, Earth’s greenhouse effect is getting stronger as we add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.


A greenhouse gas is called that because it absorbs infrared radiation from the Sun in the form of heat, which is circulated in the atmosphere and eventually lost to space. Greenhouse gases also increase the rate at which the atmosphere can absorb short-wave radiation from the Sun, but this has a much weaker effect on global temperatures. The earth has always experienced warm and cool phases, with natural forces—from the sun’s intensity, volcanic eruptions, and natural changes in greenhouse gas concentrations—affecting how much energy from the sun our planet absorbs. As recently as a couple of centuries ago, the planet underwent a “Little Ice Age,” caused by a decrease in solar activity and an increase in volcanic activity. But today’s warming—particularly the increase in temperatures since the mid-20th century—is occurring at a pace that can’t be explained by natural causes alone. Since 1750, nearly 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide have been released into the atmosphere by human activities.

While the California plants are marginally more efficient than the average American cement factory, they emit about 33% more pollutants than those in China and India, the report said. Despite the report’s prognosis, authors acknowledged that California is the third-most carbon-efficient state, after New York and Massachusetts. California’s carbon intensity is 8.8% lower than the national average, according to the report. Randolph pointed out that even though the California economy rebounded in 2021 by 8%, emissions increased by just 3.4%.

Will storing CO2 in old oil fields slow global warming? First California plan nears approval

The primary role of water vapour is not as a direct agent of radiative forcing but rather as a climate feedback—that is, as a response within the climate system that influences the system’s continued activity. This distinction arises because the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere cannot, in general, be directly modified by human behaviour but is instead set by air temperatures. The warmer the surface, the greater the evaporation rate of water from the surface. As a result, increased evaporation leads to a greater concentration of water vapour in the lower atmosphere capable of absorbing infrared radiation and emitting it back to the surface.

Carbon dioxide, a key greenhouse gas that drives global climate change, continues to rise every month. While the radiative forcing due to greenhouse gases may be determined to a reasonably high degree of accuracy... The uncertainties relating to aerosol radiative forcings remain large, and rely to a large extent on the estimates from global modeling studies that are difficult to verify at the present time.

“It’s the first law enacted anywhere in the United States that used the term ‘global warming,’” said Lipper, who still serves as the chief policy advisor for energy and environment to the president pro tem of the state senate. The chairwoman of the California Air Resources Board — the agency tasked with overseeing greenhouse gas reductions — has taken issue with the study’s conclusion and insists that California is on track to meet its goals. New research warns of a possible collapse in Atlantic Ocean currents due to climate change. When trees are felled to produce goods or heat, they release the carbon that is normally stored for photosynthesis.

The renewables energy target would see the state produce a massive 40 per cent of the total current National Electricity Market (NEM), comprising of Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania. Cutting emissions by 75 per cent by 2035 and a renewable energy target of 80 per cent by 2035 was enshrined in law on Thursday. Queensland is looking to harness its power as the Sunshine State for something more than the skin cancer capital of the world. Indeed, if the report’s authors erred in any way, it was that they didn’t anticipate just how fast these changes would occur. It would be 12 years before the next piece of climate legislation passed.

Some of this heat passes through the atmosphere, but most of it is captured and retained by greenhouse gases before it can escape. Greenhouse gases are gases—like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide—that keep the Earth warmer than it would be without them. The reason they warm the Earth has to do with the way energy enters and leaves our atmosphere. But when that same energy leaves the Earth, it does so as infrared radiation, which we experience as heat. Greenhouse gases reflect infrared radiation, so some of the heat leaving the Earth bounces off the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and comes back to the Earth’s surface. This is called the “greenhouse effect,” in a comparison to the heat-trapping glass on a greenhouse.

And as individuals, we must commit to taking carbon-cutting actions in our daily lives. The good news is that we have the ability to rein in runaway greenhouse gas emissions. But overhauling our energy systems will require transformative, aggressive global action—right now. According to the IPCC, we must halve greenhouse gas pollution by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

How To Build Chain Link Sliding Gates

rolling gate design

Ask them to visit the site if possible, or provide them with plans and blueprints, photographs of the area the gate will be installed and other information. Follow the instructions to learn how to build this kind of gate that uses a landline connection to move the gate. Just follow the instructions and you’ll soon have this gorgeous gate.

Los Angeles Style

Much like the privacy type, driveway security gates are designed to provide protection from unwanted intruders on to your property. Security gates must be built well and with higher quality materials in order to provide adequate protection. This means hiring a skilled contractor for construction and installation. These types of gates are often controlled via a remote control or keypad to allow for quick entry. It can also enhance the overall aesthetics of a property by complementing its architectural style, landscape design, and color scheme. If you choose one of our existing driveway gate designs there is no charge.

Welded Steel Frame And Panel Fence And Gate

After thoroughly assessing your property's terrain, the estimator will make expert recommendations on which gate design, materials, and security features would best suit your needs. The juxtaposition of metal’s modern flair with wood’s timeless charm creates a gateway that’s not just functional but also an architectural masterpiece. As the metallic luster of the square metal tube meets the earthy allure of wood, it promises a design both bold and harmoniously balanced, beckoning the creatively inclined.

Showing Results for "Rolling Gates"

There is an arm or gate that impedes forward movement until pay a fee or show your ID. Keypads can also allow individuals to enter and exit the driveway. Much like the keypad on a security system, this opener has physical buttons that are pressed in a certain pattern to allow entrance or exit. Like any other remote, these remotes can be used – usually at a reasonably close range – to open and close the gateways with a button. For convenience, these are often kept on keychains or clipped onto the visor in the car. Finally, to install the gateways themselves, follow the directions of the gateways you’ve purchased.

In North America, another option for sliding gates is what is known as rolling track gates. These gates use horizontal rails on the gate and specially designed brackets combined with gate carrier wheels to create a sliding gate. This type of gate is usually not automated, but it is usually only a little wider than the gate opening required, so it’s a good choice for locations with limited space for sliding. This is the category that options such as V-track gates or rear pipe track slide gates fall into.

At this point, it should be mentioned that these types of gates need to be powered to open without manual intervention. This can be costly if you are depending on your electric bill to pick up the slack. An important thing to note about rear pipe track slides is that the end of the gate should have two wheels.

Wood or Aluminum Fence: Factors To Consider Before Choosing

Our standard mounting posts are made from 4×4″ square tubing with a minimum of 1/4″ wall thickness. Therefore a 10′ aluminum gate panel would weigh approximately 83lbs. Steel gates generally weigh approximately 25 lbs per linear foot. Therefore a 10′ steel gate panel would weigh approximately 250lbs. As it stands majestically, marking the entrance to your abode, it promises a world within which aesthetics reign supreme.

Indianapolis Driveway Gates – 16′ Metal Art Oak Tree With Cedar Posts

rolling gate design

It can be painted for a slightly different appearance, but it isn’t going to change in its inherent design. On the other end of the gate, the carriage assembly should have one rubber wheel while the other wheel should be a V-track wheel. Portable gates for driveways are gates that can be easily put up and easily taken down. These work much in the same of any other portable gate – such as a baby gate – and can be set up in just a few minutes as they typically have their own stand or sit on wheels. Driveway entrances are something that almost any homeowner can benefit from. In varying degrees, they tend to make a driveway look just a little more important with their presence.

rolling gate design

Steel and Wood Gate

Metro riders still jump fare gates despite new 55-inch design - DC News Now Washington, DC

Metro riders still jump fare gates despite new 55-inch design.

Posted: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Whereas aluminum isn’t quite durable, wrought iron is an extremely durable choice. Wrought iron is a viable choice if you are looking for security or a gate that will stand up to harsh weather. One of the biggest is that aluminum isn’t sturdy when compared to other metals. This lack of durability is concerning for many owners, especially those who want a driveway gate that offers them security.

A tree-themed gate can be perfect for a property surrounded by trees. A horse-themed gate can be an excellent choice for a property with equestrian facilities.A driveway gate can also add value to a property. Equipping your gate with an automatic opener has the potential of increasing your home’s value by several percent. It can increase the perceived value of a home or estate, making it more attractive to potential buyers. It can also increase the property’s actual value, as it is a desirable feature that not all properties have. Overall, a driveway gate can be a significant investment for a property owner, but it can also be a valuable addition that enhances the property’s curb appeal, security, and value.

Bring you entrance to life with artistically created metal silhouettes of horse & rider, mules, donkeys and related livestock. Our equine driveway gate designs are custom designed with the exact animals you want. We can turn a world champion show horse into a beautiful, lifelike silhouette that is plasma cut or laser cut from either steel or aluminum. Perfect for hunting resorts, wildlife preserves, or the entrance to your home or weekend getaway. Our wildlife driveway gate designs are custom designed with the exact animals and background scenery you want.

Its intricate design patterns evoke whispers of Zen gardens and tranquil temples. As dusk falls, and the dark wood gate glimmers under the soft glow of the twilight, you’ll understand why it remains an epitome of style in the vast landscape of gate designs. Who doesn’t look forward to that moment at the end of the day whereupon returning home, one can lift the latch of their gate and cross over the threshold into their own domain? As beautiful as it is indestructible, the wooden gate has proven its place throughout the centuries, guarding the palace and provincial cottage alike. And now, thanks to these wooden gate ideas, your own modern abode.

Ensure that you also have other information about the gate, whether it’s custom-made or from a catalog. Data sheets that include information like the gate weight and part numbers can be very useful if you need to automate your gate or make any repairs. This tall, sturdy, sort of chunky-looking rustic gate is absolutely beautiful, yet simple. The design is fairly easy to follow along and the result is a solid gate that will keep the rest of the world out while you enjoy the privacy and safety of your own backyard. As just noted, barrier gateways and vertical pivot gateways site horizontally when closed and shift 90 degrees to sit straight up in the air when the gate is open.

Not only is wrought iron more valuable than choices like aluminum thanks to its longevity, but it is also rather heavy. This, like with a wooden driveway gate, make installation a bit more intensive making it cost more. It should also be noted that more intricately designed wrought iron driveway entrances are likely to cost more than a simplistic one. The best gate designs for driveways should balance function with form. A driveway gate design makes an impression as to the owner’s personality. The gate design should be created from either steel or aluminum for metal driveway gates.

A sliding driveway gate requires extra supports welded to the end of the gate for a cantilever style sliding gate. We can recreate a gate from a picture in a magazine, build a new gate to match your existing architecture, or design a custom gate entirely from your own imagination. No matter what, you can rest assured that your gate will be durable and long-lasting, adaptable to the latest technology, and uniquely yours. Visit our gallery to view our past projects and get inspired for your new gate system handcrafted by King's Gate of SoCal. Step into the world of enchanting wooden gate ideas where wrought iron accents gracefully steal the show.

The best thing about all these ideas is that you can use your imagination to craft them to exactly the perfect gate for your situation. Each of these how to build a driveway gate guides will take you the process of gathering supplies, building, and installing the gate of your choice. The final option we’ve got is for a simple, no-dig automating farm-style gate. You’ll start with a kit from a local supplier, then install with the basic steps provided by the poster. The gate works for any space in which you want to skip digging for automation needs. This driveway gate plan is another stunning project that you’ll love for any space in which you want an ornamental but highly functional gate.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

55 Coolest Low Taper Fade Haircuts To Inspire You Before Getting A Fade

low taper fade with design

To get this cut, ask your barber for a low taper fade on the sides and back, tapering the hair down to the skin. Have them use a razor to part your hair to one side, shaving in a straight line to create a tricky part. The top section of hair should be left longer, around 3 to 5 inches, and styled up and to the side opposite of the part. You’ll want to use a strong hold product with a matte or natural finish to keep your hair in place all day. A low fade can be tricky to achieve and maintain for curly or oily hair. A low drop fade, where the fade starts lower down, at the base of the sides and back, works better than a high fade.

Messy Hair Taper Fade

This brings out your curls more; you have less hair to worry about! For a square face with a broad forehead and angular jawline, a low taper fade with rounded edges helps soften your features. Have your barber use clipper guards to taper the sides and back in a rounded pattern. On top, get a medium cut, around 2 to 3 inches, and style it up and off the face with a matte pomade or wax.

17 Great-Looking Haircuts for Black Men This Fall, According to a Celebrity Barber - Men's Health

17 Great-Looking Haircuts for Black Men This Fall, According to a Celebrity Barber.

Posted: Thu, 29 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Comb Over Taper Fade

The low taper fade gets its name from how the sides and back are faded down in increments, leaving hair longer on top. Spiked-up hair looks cool on guys with low taper fade haircuts. The fade sections help to accentuate the different spiked-up levels of the hair.

Q: Is a low taper fade suitable for men with wavy hair?

This crew cut uses a low fade for the sides and back, building a stunning transition to the slightly longer crown hair. Also, the tapered fade will create a disconnection between the beard and the hairdo. However, you must apply pomade on your hands and use your fingers to lift up the fringe. You will get a fresh quiff that it’s suitable for everyday activities. For taper fade novices, a low taper fade may be a good place to start. It’s the most accessible of all taper fades and looks great on everyone.

Medium Beard with Low Fade

You can also ask your barber for a low skin fade, where the sides and back are tapered down to the skin. For a conservative look, a regular low taper fade blends the sides down in increments of 1/2 inch. The taper fade with a line can be a great way to add extra flair to a cool style.

low taper fade with design

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The height and rounded style masks the square angles of your face. With a low taper fade and lineup, you have options for styling the top. You can sweep it to the side for a side part, brush it up and back for a pompadour-inspired style, or just run some light product through it for an easy tousled look. The fade and lineup do most of the work, so you only need to spend a few minutes styling the top. In the end, the low taper fade offers a range of options to pair with your facial hair. Find a style that matches your personal style and face shape for a stylish, contemporary look.

Use the comb and scissors to touch up longer hair on top and style as desired. Your barber will start with the most extended guard size you chose for the lowest point of the fade. They’ll work in sections, using the clipper guard to taper the hair gradually shorter as they move up the sides and back. This tapering method creates a very gradual fade with no noticeable lines. If you have thick, dense hair, a low fade may require more frequent trimming to look sharp.

Best Low Taper Fade Haircuts and Hairstyles for Men

Check your work in the mirror as you go, ensuring both sides are even. A high top with fade will accentuate the rich top, distributing all the attention to your coils. Finally, bleach only the tips of your hair and dye them in bright blonde color so the contrast will be eye-popping. With so many timeless looks, choosing the right men’s fade to get can be a challenge. When you pull this off, the contrast between your top hair and the sides will make your hair look incredible and really mint.

Here, the gradient sits a little higher on the head, but still without being too dramatic. Below, we’ve curated a selection of our favorite new taper fade haircut trends for men to offer inspiration for your next look. This taper fade on the sides is paired with longer hair on top that gets combed over. You can side-part your hair and slick it back, or style it in any way you want if you want to hide your hairline. This hairstyle is not only effective but also makes you look very cool and confident. Try a curly taper fade with your hair styled forward, similar to a Caesar haircut or a French crop and you’ll soon wonder how you ever did without a taper fade at all.

'Imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade' TikTok sound explained - Yahoo News UK

'Imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade' TikTok sound explained.

Posted: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 14:34:54 GMT [source]

Read on to find out all about taper fade haircuts and which one is right for you. An option is to keep it longer to avoid the difficult stage. A lower taper fade is better as it keeps the ears and nape tight.

Next, attach the #3 guard and repeat, moving the clippers slightly higher. At each step, start with the area right above your ears and work upward and around the back of your head. Use the mirror to check your work and ensure the fade is gradual.

The simplicity of the shapes and lines of this haircut ad points to your style. Adding in the taper fade to your mini coils gives your look a lot of styles while keeping your hairline clean cut. The box taper haircut is particularly suited for individuals with curly or Afro hair textures. It features longer hair on top, styled into a flat top, paired with a high, mid, or skin fade along the lower portion of the head.

The taper fade can vary in length and style, with options such as a low, mid, or high fade (among other variations) depending on how high up the head the fade begins. The blowout, a voluminous hairstyle similar to the pompadour, is another that can be updated for the modern day with a taper fade. This will result in a high and tight finish that can look super cool. It’s the ultimate in low maintenance and will help keep you cool in the summer months.

The low taper fade works well with many hairstyles, like a side part, comb over, quiff, or textured crop. It’s a fashionable yet professional cut suitable for the office or a night out. Low taper fades are also popular because they grow out nicely by blending in with your natural hair growth and are easy to maintain between barber visits. The messy taper fade is an effortlessly cool and casual hairstyle that can be the right look for occasions. With short to medium length hair on top, a messy tapered haircut can be achieved with a light styling product. Similar to a shaggy style, you’ll want to brush your hair forward and use your fingers to mess up the hair in the front for a disheveled look.

When styling, you’ll want to use a matte pomade with a light to medium hold for a textured, loose finish. A taper fade is a type of fade haircut that tapers down the sides and back, going from long to short hair to create a blended style. The taper fade haircut is modern, stylish and low-maintenance, making it one of the best men’s haircuts to get in barbershops.

The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago Updated 2024 Prices

palmer house chicago

Wake after a restful night to explore downtown Chicago with a two block walk to The Art Institute of Chicago featuring some of Bertha Palmer's most prized collections. Enjoy shopping along State Street and snap a selfie at the start of Historic Route 66. In the evening, unwind with a cocktail and bites at the Lobby Bar.


Upon check-in photo identification and credit card are required. Special requests cannot be guaranteed and may incur additional charges. Located within walking distance to Chicago's theater district, Navy Pier, and other top attractions, The Palmer House Hilton offers a luxurious and convenient stay in the heart of the city. Whether visiting for business or pleasure, guests will find themselves immersed in the rich history and vibrant culture of downtown Chicago. The Palmer House Hilton stands as a beacon of history and elegance in Chicago's downtown, nestled just a block from Millennium Park and the Art Institute of Chicago.

Self-guided History Tour

Chicago: Birthplace of the Brownie Celebrates 130 Years of Sweet - Hoodline

Chicago: Birthplace of the Brownie Celebrates 130 Years of Sweet.

Posted: Fri, 08 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

This iconic hotel, located in the heart of the theater and financial district, combines historical significance with contemporary comforts, making it an ideal choice for both leisure and business travelers. Its proximity to major attractions, coupled with exceptional on-site amenities, makes The Palmer House Hilton a standout destination. The story of downtown Chicago’s Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel is one of romance and undeniable charm. Potter Palmer was a Chicago business magnate—well-known for various endeavors, including his significant role in the development of downtown Chicago’s iconic State Street.

Dining and Drinks

He operates his hotel consulting practice serving as an expert witness in hotel-related cases, provides asset management and hotel franchising consultation. He is certified as a Master Hotel Supplier Emeritus by the Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Lodging Association. Situated just blocks from the Magnificent Mile and the downtown Chicago Theater District, the wedding gift from Potter Palmer continues to delight the weariest of travelers and the most demanding of hosts. The number of extra beds and cots allowed is dependent on the option you choose. Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodation type.Please enter the dates of your stay and check the conditions of your required room.

Immerse yourself in history with every sip of our expertly crafted cocktails, including our iconic and famed old-fashioned. Shop at State Street and the Magnificent MileThe historic shopping destinations of Chicago, house well-known stores, restaurants, and iconic buildings. Millennium ParkWorld’s largest rooftop garden, and is only a 5-minute walk away from the hotel. Auditorium TheatreChicago’s iconic Auditorium Theatre full of historic elegance, artistic hub, acoustic excellence.

A Hotel Built upon Love & Ingenuity

The fresco was described by columnist George Will as “a wonderful protest of romance against the everydayness of life.” By the 1920s, the decision was made to erect a new 25-story building. Between 1924 and 1927, the Palmer House was rebuilt on the same site but in stages, so not to lose a single day of operations. The hotel was purchased in 1945 by legendary hotelier Conrad Hilton and it remains one of the company’s flagship properties. Today, the Palmer House remains an iconic fixture of Chicago and it's Loop District as the vibrant city continually expands and evolves. Requests for early arrival and/or late departure will be granted based upon availability and subject to additional charges.

palmer house chicago

It is a testament to the preservation of the history of the longest continually operating hotel in America. Enjoy a variety of house favorites at Lockwood Restaurant, such as the Bertha’s Brownie Pancake, the Lockwood Burger, or Build Your Own Omelet. Start your day in the stunning ambiance of the Palmer House lobby with Lockwood Restaurant’s à la carte breakfast. Savor farm-fresh eggs cooked to your liking and indulge in Bertha’s buttermilk pancakes with brownie crumble. From innovative cocktails and shared plates under mythological frescos to iconic twists on American classics, Lockwood Restaurant has something for everyone. Among big convention hotels, the Sheraton Chicago and the Chicago Hilton are shut.

Does The Palmer House Hilton have a pool?

For fifty years, the hotel was a mecca for Chicago society and visiting luminaries such as Ulysses S. Grant, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, and Oscar Wilde. After befriending Claude Monet, Bertha began decorating the Palmer House with paintings and other French artwork, eventually accumulating the largest collection of impressionist art outside of France. The Palmer House was adorned with garnet-draped chandeliers, Louis Comfort Tiffany masterpieces, and a breathtaking ceiling fresco by French painter Louis Pierre Rigal.

Only issue was that the tub did not have any type of grab bar and was deep. Even my younger daughter had difficulty entering and exiting. If you booked through us and want to leave a review, please sign in first. When booking more than 9 rooms, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

As one of the longest operating hotel in America, the Palmer House has an outstanding roster of famous guests including every president since Ulysses S. Grant, numerous world leaders, celebrities and Chicago's movers and shakers. The Empire Room at the Palmer House became the showplace in Chicago. During the World's Fair of 1933, an unknown ballroom team, Veloz and Yolanda won the hearts of the city and performed for more than a year. Scoring an upgrade to the executive floor made a big difference overall, since we could use the express elevators, but the lounge itself was overwhelmingly crowded, especially toward the end of Sunday breakfast and throughout the evening happy hours.

On November 8, 1873, the new Palmer House welcomed its first guests, marking the opening of what would become the nation’s longest continually operating hotel. Featuring a dining area with a wet bar, this spacious one-bedroom suite offers handicap-accessible amenities and a separate seating area. I also had a chance to check out some of the event venues, since I was at the hotel for a wedding. The main ballroom felt especially historic, but the staff was friendly and accommodating, and the catering was very good overall. Recently, however, I decided to book a three-night stay for my girlfriend and me at one of the most historic properties of them all, The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago's first hotel to offer elevators, electric lightbulbs and phones in each guest room. And historic it is — in fact, in the case of some of the public areas and ballrooms, I doubt much has changed since Hilton took over the property way back in 1945.

We have more than 70 million property reviews, all from real, verified guests. Prices for cribs and extra beds aren't included in the total price. Indulge in the convenience of Express-2-You – the food delivery service that delivers exquisite gourmet food and drinks within minutes. Relish in the flavors of an iconic and famed menu with quick and convenient service that allows you to enjoy a delicious meal on your own schedule. Just order food through the button below, place your order, and pick it up at Lockwood Express or have it delivered to your room. Savor a toast surrounded by 21 Greek Mythological frescos and the warm glow of Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Winged Angel candelabras.

Jacobson said the Marriott on Michigan Avenue reopened Tuesday. This double room is located on high floors, with private elevator access, upscale bath amenities, in-room premium WiFi (free). This King room is located on high floors, with private elevator access, upscale bath amenities, in-room premium WiFi (free). I actually had to walk through the lounge to get to and from the elevators, which was fine most of the time, except when the space was packed for Sunday breakfast (not pictured). The failed mobile check-in ended up working out in my favor, though, since I then used the chat tool to request an upgrade, landing myself an executive-level king room, free of charge. The hotel offered an upgrade to a Hip & Historic Suite for $100, and wouldn't budge on the price, despite some Hilton properties offering suites to Diamond members without an upgrade charge.

An additional Palmer House was under construction nearby, but both structures were destroyed by the Great Chicago Fire on October 8, 1871. All of these books can be ordered from AuthorHouse by visiting and clicking on the book’s title. Children 18 years and above will be charged as adults at this property. Couples particularly like the location — they rated it 9.3 for a two-person trip.

The hotel offered an array of Crabtree & Evelyn amenities, including soap, shampoo and body lotion, plus a hair dryer and plenty of washcloths and towels. Hilton doesn't list the square footage for some room types, since they can vary significantly from one room to the next, given the historic nature of this particular hotel. While I was all prepared to have to check in the hip and historic way — in person at the front desk — a mobile key magically appeared on my day of arrival. At the Palmer House, we offer a wide variety of services and amenities to ensure you have everything you need, whether staying for work, leisure or with the kids. The next trip could be twice as rewarding with the 2X Points Package when you book your stay at select Hilton Hotels & Resorts. Book a week long vacation, escape for a weekend, or make the most of that next business trip.

Dining and Drinks

palmer house chicago

Clearly “the Chicago hotel the world knows best” has positioned itself for the next era in downtown Chicago accommodations–and the next generation of Palmer House Hilton with a hip and historic outlook. The Fitness Center is complimentary to guests and features cardio and free weights allowing you to stay fit on the road. Enjoy a refreshing dip at the indoor heated pool or a personalized workout regime on three interconnected levels in the 10,000-square-foot facility. Featuring a dining area with a wet bar, this spacious one-bedroom suite also offers a separate seating area. This room offers handicap-accessible amenities, including a private bathroom with a raised toilet and grab bars.

Historic Hilton: A Review of The Palmer House in Chicago

Originating as a grand wedding gift from Potter Palmer to Bertha Honore Palmer, Palmer House eventually became known as North America’s longest-operating hotel with a notable history of innovation. It was the first hotel to incorporate the light bulb, the telephone, and the vertical steam lift (elevator) as well as being the creator of one of the world’s most adored confection, the brownie. Beyond the exquisite libations, Lockwood Bar serves as a portal to an era steeped in elegance and refinement.

City Center

'It's a warm hug': Hundreds of tubas fill the Palmer House with velvety holiday tunes - Chicago Sun-Times

'It's a warm hug': Hundreds of tubas fill the Palmer House with velvety holiday tunes.

Posted: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Featuring parlor and dining areas, as well as a libation station, all of the suites provide guests a place to relax and comfort to renew. Whether you seek to entertain, gather, or simply unwind, the Palmer House suites are an authentic accommodation choice. The rooms and suites are thoughtfully designed to balance comfort and functionality perfectly. From standard guestrooms to accessible options, Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel, offers a range of authentic accommodations.

palmer house chicago

Learn About Credit Cards

T Housekeeping services are available upon request.Guests can work out at the on-site fitness center or visit the on-site spa.Lockwood restaurant offers American cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Amid the historic lobby, guests can enjoy dinner & a crafted cocktail at the Lobby Bar.The Monroe Red Line subway station is a 1-minute walk away, providing easy access to Chicago’s top attractions. The first, known as The Palmer, was built as a wedding gift from Potter Palmer to his bride Bertha Honorѐ. It opened on September 26, 1871 but incredibly was destroyed by fire thirteen days later in the Great Chicago Fire. Palmer quickly rebuilt the Palmer House which reopened in 1875. It was advertised as "The World's Only Fire Proof Hotel" and contained a grand lobby, ballrooms, elaborate parlors, bridal suites, cafes and restaurants.

While I normally wouldn't complain about not receiving an amenity that isn't guaranteed, I was excited about surprising my girlfriend on Valentine's Day, so I was bummed that the spread hadn't arrived as promised. I decided to upgrade to the full buffet, though, which got me access to hot dishes and made-to-order omelets for an extra $8. I wasn't a fan of the lighting, though, especially in the bathroom — the lights were fluorescent and a bit too bright, especially during visits in the middle of the night.

Receive for Free - Discover & Explore eNewsletter monthly with advance notice of special offers, packages, and insider savings from 10% - 30% off Best Available Rates at selected hotels. We have more than 70 million property reviews, and they're all from real, verified guests. Prices for cots and extra beds are not included in the total price, and will have to be paid for separately during your stay.

Lender Taking Over Palmer House Retail with Foreclosure Sale - The Real Deal

Lender Taking Over Palmer House Retail with Foreclosure Sale.

Posted: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The owners often are investor groups, not the major chains such as Hilton or Marriott that have their names on a property but only as operators. The Palmer House has been closed since early in the pandemic and, according to a Hilton Hotels spokeswoman, has not set a reopening date. Hilton operates the Palmer House under a management contract. Chicago TheatreEstablished in 1921, the Chicago Theatre is an iconic building located on State Street, offering several shows throughout the year. Navy PierThe number one favorite tourist attraction of Chicago. Take a ride at the Ferris wheel, eat at one of the many restaurants, take a boat tour or visit live entertainment at the historic Navy Pier.

National Trust for Historic Preservation Special Member Rate - Save up to 30% off

I always received a response within a few minutes, but several confirmed requests never materialized, such as the robes I ordered and the Valentine's Day welcome I confirmed before arrival. After not having much luck on the 21st floor, I headed down to 12, where I encountered an error every time, even though I added a valid credit card number. I've stayed at many "brand-new" hotels over the years — as both a product reviewer and an average Joe, I tend to seek them out. Hotels that bill themselves as historic, meanwhile, remain an occasional curiosity, if for nothing more than a quick look. The Third Palmer House (1925–present)The economic boom and population growth of the 1920s and Chicago’s increasing attractiveness as a convention city led to a perceived shortfall in hotel rooms.

This room a private bathroom with a hairdryer and upscale bath amenities. Wi-Fi was available free of charge to Hilton Honors members, or for $12.95 without an account. As a Diamond member, I received premium Wi-Fi for free, which worked well. We ended up moving some of the snacks around to make room on top before noticing the automated sensors, but never ended up getting hit with a charge. Despite receiving confirmation in the app, our "Champagne" and chocolate-covered strawberries weren't in the room as I expected and weren't delivered later in the night. After a couple of follow-ups they finally showed up the next day, but with prosecco, instead of Champagne.

The hotel attracted well-to-do permanent residents who enjoyed the spacious quarters, master bedrooms, walk-in closets, multiple bathrooms, housekeeping and porter services. By 1925, Palmer erected a new 25-story hotel which was promoted as the largest hotel in the world. The architects were Holabird & Roche who were well known for their groundbreaking Chicago School of skyscrapers. They also designed the Stevens Hotel, the Cook County Courthouse, the Chicago City Hall and the Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City.

The result was the Palmer House Brownie, made of chocolate to comprise a fudge-like density and topped with a decadent walnut and apricot glaze. The dessert first published reference as “the brownie” following the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, was when it appeared in the Sears Roebuck Catalog published in Chicago in 1898. Enjoy the indoor, heated, and recreational swimming pool with locker rooms.

Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel is a member of Historic Hotels of America®, the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation for recognizing and celebrating the finest historic hotels across America. Experience a throwback to the Prohibition era speakeasy, paying homage to this notorious period in Chicago’s illustrious history with a sophisticated lounge atmosphere bedecked with rotating digital historic imagery. Overall hotel occupancies in the downtown area are running at about 20%, according to data from STR as provided by the association. That percentage is based only on Chicago’s open hotels; it would be lower if the closed properties were factored in. Michael Jacobson, CEO of the Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association, said huge convention hotels such as the Palmer House will survive, in part because the properties can’t easily be converted into something else, such as condos. But he said he’s fearful of smaller operations that rely on leisure travelers.

The crown jewel in the holdings of department store mogul turned real-estate developer Potter Palmer, it was a wedding present to his wife, Bertha. The new Palmer House was once remembered for the fact that 225 silver dollars were imbedded in the checkerboard tile floor of the barber shop. They were put there by William S. Eaton, lessee of the shop, who cashed in on the idea within the next few years. Everyone wanted to see that floor out of sheer curiosity, or to verify that a fool could thus waste his money. Each of the 1,641 guest rooms is beautifully appointed with the latest conveniences and technologies, providing a glimpse of the extraordinary Palmer House legacy while providing modern comforts for a memorable stay in downtown Chicago.

The spacious air-conditioned suite provides a flat-screen TV with cable channels, a mini-bar, a seating area and a dining area. While it can get unbearably cold in winter — as it certainly was during part of my mid-February visit — many of the city's top attractions are just a short walk away. With my Honors number attached, I did have access to my usual Diamond benefits, though, which was a very nice surprise! That meant executive-lounge access (or free breakfast downstairs), free Wi-Fi and a modest upgrade. While the hotel was kind enough to add my Honors number to the Hotels.com booking — it never hurts to ask! — I wasn't able to earn Hilton points for the first two nights of my stay.

Monroe St. depends on conventions and business travel that have largely dried up during the struggle to contain COVID-19. While the ownership could change, the business itself and Hilton’s long-term connection to the hotel — it owned it for decades — are likely to continue. Providing free toiletries, this suite includes a private bathroom with a bath or a shower and a hairdryer.

I've stayed here every time I've been in Chicago & have never had a bad experience. Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodations type.Please enter the dates of your stay and check what conditions apply to your preferred room. But experts said the Palmer House’s problems demonstrate the financial pressure all hotel owners face.

Best AI logo generators in 2024 our top picks

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Get started by diving into the vast library of our free logo creator and find some promising designs for your new logo. Enjoy the logo making process and get one step closer to building a solid brand. DesignHill offers a variety of brand-building tools, including an automated logo generator that you can use for free. Looka is a solid option if you want a free AI logo maker you can take it out for a spin without signing up for anything. It asks quite an extensive range of questions to tailor your logo – and provides pointers on what colors to choose. Logobean automatically generated logos for my mock business in less than 10 seconds – there’s no sign-up required, and it was definitely the quickest on the list.

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Will I Be Able to Save My Logos?

If you have a string of online businesses and websites you want to create for, their annual subscriptions might make more sense. This is as good as – if not better – than some of the logos I’ve created on Fiverr and UpWork. The entire process of creating a logo can be done in less than 5 minutes.

The Future of AI Mockup Generators

Fotor also caters to different types of businesses, offering a variety of AI-generated logos from gaming logos, business logos to Youtube logos, and more. It simplifies the logo creation process, providing a step-by-step guide to create the perfect logo using its AI Logo Creator. Logo’s AI maker online helps you create AI logo designs in just a few minutes, even if you have no logo design experience. The logos produced represent intelligence, sophistication, and innovation, and are perfect for businesses in the artificial intelligence field. Fotor is one of the leading online design tools that provides users with a variety of logo templates and icons to design a creative logo. The logo maker helps users - whether they are professionals or beginners - to create captivating graphics and designs according to their preferences.

Creative Restaurant Logos to Inspire You

When we used this, however, it just gave us responses in a text box on top of our logo, which wasn’t ideal. This, along with the fact that Canva won’t generate a logo for you automatically, means it comes in pretty low down the list. Today, with digital marketing being so fast-paced, you want a logo that can shine in just a few seconds – sending the message that your brand is innovative and cutting-edge. Hatchful is best for those looking to generate a logo as quickly as possible without any additional cost or having to put up with hidden limitations and upsells. While Wix is primarily known as a website builder, one of the standout features of this platform is the Wix AI Logo Maker.

Unlimited Downloads

Users wishing to purchase their designed logo have pricing options ranging from $39 to $159. If you’re seeking a professional logo design in a time-efficient manner, Logomaster.ai is worth considering. But if you usually have trouble choosing reference designs then this tool is probably not for you.

However, the good news is that the cheapest paid plan costs just $4 per year (roughly 33 cents a month). Make basic changes by clicking to switch fonts, colors and layouts. Experiment as much as you like and create unlimited logos without spending a dime. To get your logo in PNG format, you must pay $25 for basic but shell out $175 for full enterprise use. AI Logo Generators have been developed to produce a wide range of design options based on your unique inputs. However, it's always a good idea to double-check your final logo for uniqueness to avoid potential copyright issues.

Download files formatted for websites, business cards, social media banners and other marketing materials. We picked Wix Logo Maker as our third choice because it provides a user-friendly platform for creating business logos. It offers a wide range of designs and customizable options that make creating a logo that suits your needs easy.

The freemium logo generator is relatively easy to use and takes you through the process we have gotten used to by now. Creating a logo using this tool is more straightforward than with other tools. Instead of choosing from designs, you need to put in a prompt describing what you want, your company, and its personality. Once done, the Microsoft Designer outputs many logos and posters that suit you. While the output isn’t particularly sharp, it is not usable enough to get inspiration for ideas.

The 10 Best AI Apps for iPhone for 2024 - Techopedia

The 10 Best AI Apps for iPhone for 2024.

Posted: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The Wix Logo Ai tool also allows you to add your design and logos and with the help of that, you can even create a beautiful catchy logo. It uses a simple drag-and-drop interface which makes it easy for everyone. The AI tool lets you control the width, opacity, and alignment of the generating logos. DesignEVO is the best feature-rich AI generator tool for graphics designers and business owners who want an extensive range of features and customizations on the generated output. Looka offers dozens of customizability features such as 300+ personalized fonts, app icons, layouts, seven color schemes, and more to make your logos more professional and catchy. This AI tool can generate over 75+ logos simultaneously within seconds.

These innovative platforms are transforming the way designers approach mockups, offering a plethora of benefits that can significantly improve efficiency and design outcomes. A lot of large and small brands have already trusted Turbologo their designs. Now you can join the community and create a stunning custom logo for your business with the online logo design service. Check out what our clients say to make sure that you found the right place to help your brand grow the identity. Contact our support if you have any further questions or suggestions or if you just want to talk, we are always ready to help you. There are many ways to make a logo design that expresses your brand’s unique identity.

It also provides high-resolution file formats of your logo design, including full-color, grayscale, and monochrome versions. Tailor Brands is an all-in-one platform that simplifies logo design and offers tools for business registration, website development, and logo creation using AI. With a user-friendly platform and customization options, it provides a convenient one-stop shop experience focused on your logo. Logomaster.ai is a free logo generator that can create logos for various kinds of branding from personal to business branding.

Once you complete a straightforward questionnaire, numerous logo options are instantly generated for you. The platform allows you to refine your chosen design further by adjusting the layout, tweaking colors, modifying fonts, and managing design elements as per your choice. Turbologo is a free AI logo generator that allows you to create professional and custom logos in just a matter of minutes. With easy-to-use tools and a modern interface, this platform is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced designers. By simply inputting your company name, slogan, and industry, Turbologo’s AI will generate logo ideas for you.

If you’re unsatisfied with the result, Logomaster AI also offers unlimited revisions. Wix Logo Maker is ideal for those who are already integrated with the Wix website builder and need a quick logo designed with the help of AI. You can take inspiration from the many available logo templates that cater to a variety of styles, including Abstract, Minimalist, and Retro, to curate your own. It’s also unwise to use generated images for commercial purposes as there’s a chance they may infringe someone’s copyright. If you want to use AI generated images commercially, check out Adobe Firefly.

The best website builder in town, Wix offers a free AI logo generator that you can use to create a unique logo for your online store or business in under five minutes. First, you’ll have to sign up and answer a few questions about the “vibe” and purpose of the logo. It also goes beyond just a logo, allowing you to create matching business cards, social media graphics, and more, all with an intuitive interface that makes branding effortless.

The future of AI mockup generators is one of seamless integration with the designer’s existing workflow. Imagine a world where designers never have to leave their preferred design software like Photoshop or Figma. With a simple plugin or extension, they could access a vast library of AI-powered mockups directly within their workspace. Uploading designs and generating mockups would be a one-click process, eliminating the need for switching between applications.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Fort Lauderdale Hotel Near Airport Courtyard Fort Lauderdale Airport

marriott ft lauderdale cruise port

Stay the night and you can then get a ride over to the cruise port for $15 per person. The Wyndham Garden is highly rated and also only about 10 minutes from the cruise terminals. Hampton Inn DowntownThe hotels we’ve featured so far are all situated around the cruise port and the airport. This hotel is ideal if you want to stay at a comfortable place in downtown Fort Lauderdale. It offers the sort of clean, comfortable room you’d expect from Hampton Inn, along with a $15 per person shuttle to Port Everglades for your cruise.

Aloft Hotels at Fort Lauderdale Airport/Port Everglades Cruise Terminals to Open in November - Hotel-Online.com

Aloft Hotels at Fort Lauderdale Airport/Port Everglades Cruise Terminals to Open in November.

Posted: Mon, 09 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

✦ Top 3 Fort Lauderdale Cruise Port Hotels

The property is a popular choice among those heading off on Caribbean cruises from the adjacent Port Everglades cruise terminal. An affordable shuttle can be arranged to the cruise port. So, let’s dive right in and have a look at some of the finest hotels in this superb city in Florida. There are several garages and surface lots located near the cruise terminals. These are well-illuminated and security-patrolled as well as having disabled bays and easy access to embarkation points. Comfort Suites Fort Lauderdale Airport SouthAnother mid-range hotel, this is a good option for those who want to stay near the airport without breaking the budget.

marriott ft lauderdale cruise port

This Week's Top Offers

Cruise lines often provide port transfers between airports and hotels, and hotels and cruise ports. Be sure to inquire with your cruise line to see if this is an option. Some cruise lines include it, while others offer it at an additional cost. We're taking the guesswork out of Port Everglades for you with our guide to the Fort Lauderdale cruise port. We'll help you figure things out for your South Florida visit, including the closest airports and hotels to stay at before or after your cruise.

Welcome to Courtyard Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

Cruise port transportation is offered at $15 per person. Simply let the staff know when you check in that you’ll need a ride to the cruise ships and they will accommodate you. In Fort Lauderdale, you have any number of hotel options. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a ride of 2-3 miles to take 15 minutes or more.

Port Everglades Cruise Terminals

It's 11.2 miles from Broward Center for the Performing Arts and 14.3 miles from Fort Lauderdale Beach. This hotel has a modern design with unique touches. Though they provide premium services, they will not overcharge you to stay a night or two. Some rooms have balconies that are well-positioned to let you have a better look at the surroundings as you sip on your cup of joe or bear. There a free shuttle to the beach and Port Everglades cruise terminals (Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Carnival, …) are a short Uber ride away. Take advantage of this hotel’s fitness center and outdoor swimming pool before or after your cruise.

Easy Ways to Get to Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale for a Cruise (Port Transportation)

Still, if you find them expensive, you should be able to find affordable alternatives around Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International airport. While Miami usually gets all the headlines as the cruise capital of the world, nearby Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale is just as busy a port. Each year literally millions of passengers embark from the port, with cruises sailing everywhere from the Caribbean to Europe. Sometimes Sailing is a cruise-focused website by Dan and Mikkel Woodruff, a couple passionate about cruising. Taxis and rideshares are available to get to Port Everglades.

The Holiday Inn Express is multistory property, ideal for staying close to the Port Everglades cruise terminal which can be reached in just four minutes. You pay a fee (around $15.00) to use the local shuttle transfer service provided by a third party company. Long term parking is available at $10 per night while on cruise.

SpringHill Suites Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

There's everything you need for an exciting night out, just 4 miles from the hotel! For more information, visit the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood's website. Experience a stunning Fort Lauderdale Cruise Port hotel, boasting a prime location close to Port Everglades and Fort Lauderdale Airport and only 10 minutes away from A1A Beach. This Dania Beach property has 112 spacious, modern rooms with traditional furniture and wood paneling. There’s a cozy bar and dining area, while outside, the pool and patio are screened by palm trees. The Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina is one of the closest and most popular hotels near Port Everglades.

The cruise port is a straight shot down Marina Mile Boulevard from the hotel. Lauderdale Airport-Cruise PortHilton Garden Inn is near major thoroughfares, but being set back from the street and surrounded by trees gives it a bit of a secluded feeling. Here, you’re about 15 minutes from the cruise port.

Aloft Planning New Hotel Near Ft. Lauderdale Airport and Port Everglades Cruise Port - Travel Market Report

Aloft Planning New Hotel Near Ft. Lauderdale Airport and Port Everglades Cruise Port.

Posted: Mon, 02 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The hotel says there is a sign-up sheet at the front desk for the cruise port ride. The Four Points by Sheraton is among the top hotels situated between the airport and port, and it is highly rated in terms of cleanliness, facilities, and room condition. Key landmarks of the region, including the Port Everglades cruise port and the Broward County Convention Center can easily be reached. A wide variety of restaurants are located close by. Stay in this hotel if you are looking for a reasonable priced overnight stay between your arriving flight and sail-away.

For those flying to Fort Lauderdale, many hotels are located close to both Port Everglades cruise port and the airport. Very popular is the 17th Street Causeway area, which is the closest to the port. Are there hotels with both airport and cruise port shuttles?

The establishment is only a few blocks from Port Everglades which makes it convenient for guests who want to stay one of two nights before or after a cruise vacation. Also, you will be getting a serene atmosphere exuded by the Atlantic Ocean. The hotel has 12 stories and features one of the fanciest lobbies in the region. Whether you are looking for spacious rooms for the entire family or a spot from which you can go out at night, have a good time, they have it all. To relax, you can go to the outdoor pool, where there are lounge chairs, a hot tub, and cabanas. The hotel has great accessibility, thanks to Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport (FLL) and the Water Taxi.

Well-reviewed, it also offers a complimentary shuttle from the airport. A ride to the ships will cost $15 per person — in line with many other hotels — and departs several times during the day. Rodeway Inn & Suites Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise PortWhile the expensive high-end hotels may offer luxury, the affordable hotels often have more free perks. Take the Rodeway Inn,  for example, just west of Interstate 95 and roughly minutes from the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport and the cruise ship terminals. The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service for the airport and Port Everglades.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Carnival Spirit deck plan

carnival cruise ship spirit

In addition to weight machines and free weights, the fitness centre offers stationary and recumbent bikes, cross-trainers, stair climbers, treadmills and a rowing machine. Be warned that the steam from the whirlpool does rise, making the temperature on the upper tiers a little warm. We went for a workout first thing in the morning on the first sea day and had to wait in line for a spot on a cardio machine. (Every machine was in use, with the exception of a stair-stepper and a recumbent bike.) We were told that the crowd thins out after a few days, but we simply switched our workouts to a later hour. If you've got a late dinner sitting, head to the gym at 6 p.m. The only people in there are crew members because they know it won't be crowded.

Spin Bikes in the Gym on the Carnival Spirit

The main sunbathing and lounging deck is Deck 9 around the Dome, Sun and Serenity pools. Another area for lounging (on pods) is both the port and starboard sides of Deck 9. Pods can take two people, but the covering is vinyl rather than cloth, so they are not the most comfortable. While there is a rule that prohibits chair-hogging, it seems to be the norm. There was rarely a spare sun lounge or pod to be found in the Serenity area (which also has two-person lounges and a couple of hammocks).

Spicy Chipotle Pineapple Martini on the Carnival Spirit

carnival cruise ship spirit

Not because I have terrible taste (no offense to my 9-year-old or anyone else who finds this ship beautiful!), but because I appreciate irony. Trust me, this ship will have you talking and laughing and shielding the eyes of young children (there are a LOT of naked women around the ship and you can make a game out of finding them – kind of like the cruise ducks). A beauty salon offering haircuts and styling and makeup treatments is beside the spa, while the sauna and steam rooms (free) are located within the men's and women's changing rooms.

Don’t forget to PIN and share to your social media groups!

Dedicated stateroom attendant, Soft, cozy linens, Plenty of closet and drawer space, In-room safe for valuables, Television, Stateroom climate control. The upgrades included new entertainment options at new clubs for youth activities - kids-only arts-crafts area ("SoulPlay") and teens-only area ("Warehouse Arcade"). Carnival Spirit provides cruise experience like taking a journey all over the world. Legendary designer Joe Farcus got inspired to memorialize the "creative spirit" on the liner. The 2001-built Carnival Spirit cruise ship is the first of four Spirit-class CCL liners, with sisterships the fleetmates Miracle, Pride, and Legend, as well as Costa's liners Atlantica and Mediterranea. Looking for other fun ways to burn through our onboard credit, we ate twice at Bonsai Sushi.

Shipboard entertainment options - Fun and Sport

The Social plan costs AU$15 a day or AU$40 for the whole cruise, which provides access to social media sites and apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp. The Value plan (AU$30 a day/AU$115 whole cruise) can be used for all sites except Skype and music streaming such as Spotify. The Premium plan (AU$50 a day/AU$180 cruise) offers the fastest connection at speeds up to three times faster than the Value plan and can support Skype video calls and music streaming.

Carnival Spirit®

There’s a Build-a-Bear workshop, arts and crafts on the regular, gaming rooms and Dr. Seuss-themed activities and breakfasts. Kids will also love a trip to the on-board candy store and the 24/7 ice cream stand. If you need to chill by a pool without the kids, head to the ship’s adults-only pool zone, where the tone is very chill. Lay back on a lounger, enjoy a drink or a dip in the pool, and do it all far away from any splashing or screaming children. Carnival’s own waterpark, WaterWorks, offers various heart-dropping water slides, to get your adrenaline pumping.

We'll send you the latest cruise updates daily to your inbox. In 2018, in Singapore, a few more enhancements were made, though nothing major and, most recently, in 2021, in Dubai, Carnival gave the ship a new hull design and paint scheme, as well as some routine maintenance. Now, Carnival Spirit cruises in North America once again, from the American South in the winter and to Alaska in the summer. Carnival Spirit was the very first ship to find a homebase outside of North America for the Carnival Cruise Line in late 2012, when it began serving the Australian market.


The Carnival Spirit-class ships were all built at the Arctech Helsinki Shipyard and share a unique funnel design that includes a skylight dome in the ships’ atriums. The ships also have the smallest funnels of all Carnival ships. If all of the above isn’t enough for your kids, there are loads of kid-specific activities they can try, too, throughout the ship.

How much does it cost to go on Carnival Spirit?

All of these options give you pretty much what they sound like. However, when you’re booking your stateroom, be sure not to book an obstructed-view balcony room, if you would prefer not to look at a lifeboat as you attempt to take in the sea views. Carnival Spirit has received an array of refurbishments over its long lifetime. While the ship is slightly smaller than the popular Conquest-class ships, in both gross tonnage and number of passenger decks, it can still hold a decent number of guests.

However, if you’d like to get active in a non-traditional way, that’s an option, too. Head to the ship’s games and sports zone near the pool area, where you’ll find favorite competitive activities like miniature golf, ping pong and basketball, among others. Walking around Carnival Spirit is like taking a trip around the world. Passengers will either love or hate the look, but eventually they get used to it. Once you start focusing on the activities, the food, the entertainment and interacting with the crew, the decor starts to fade into the background. Most importantly, it's spotlessly clean (except for the grubby seat, pod and hammock cushions in Serenity which could do with a daily scrub).

The improved internet access offers increased bandwidth and speed. (deck 4) The Techno Video Arcade (forward-portside) was replaced with The Cove (children-only breakout room for arts and crafts). Anyway, I’m heartbroken to report that the buffet cakes, which are normally excellent on Carnival, were dry and lacked flavor.

‘Exciting time for Mobile’: Alabama’s Port City welcomes the Carnival Spirit - AL.com

‘Exciting time for Mobile’: Alabama’s Port City welcomes the Carnival Spirit.

Posted: Fri, 06 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In 2007 and 2009, Queen Victoria and Costa Luminosa (built by Fincantieri) were introduced. The design of these ships are a hybrid between the Spirit class and the Vista class, creating the Vista/Spirit hybrid class. As of November 2022, Costa Luminosa (now Carnival Luminosa) is marketed by Carnival as a part of their Spirit class. In May 2016, Carnival Australia introduced faster and cheaper internet and social media Internet packages on the Australia-based ships Carnival Legend and Carnival Spirit.

Carnival Spirit cruise ship sailing to Mobile to offer tourist new vacations out of city's port - Alabama Public Radio

Carnival Spirit cruise ship sailing to Mobile to offer tourist new vacations out of city's port.

Posted: Tue, 03 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Spirit class is a class of cruise ships built at the Kvaerner Masa-Yards Helsinki New Shipyard in Helsinki, Finland. The ships are operated by Carnival Cruise Lines, CSSC Carnival Cruise Shipping and Costa Cruises (a subsidiary of Miami-based Carnival Corporation). The six ships were built to the original Panamax form factor, allowing them to pass through the Panama Canal. This class has the smallest of the signature smoke stacks that Carnival has on their ships. Carnival's Spirit-class ships also feature a unique funnel design that integrates the skylight dome of the atrium.

Staff-led deck activities include a beanbag toss, golf chipping competitions and family scavenger hunts, along with table tennis competitions, dance classes and towel-folding lessons. Health and wellness seminars occur three or four times a day, along with a couple of special interest lectures by the cruise director or a visiting expert. Sushi-making demonstrations in the Bonsai Sushi restaurant and ticketed wine-and-cheese tasting in the adults-only Serenity are held at least once on each cruise. Art auctions, cooking demonstrations and, of course, bingo are also popular. If it’s night-time fun that you’re looking for then you won’t be disappointed. Carnival Spirit has more than 6 bars and lounges to choose from featuring all kinds of games, shows and entertainment.

The primary pools are great for all ages and, believe it or not, it is possible to find some spots that aren’t completely packed. All suites come with extra perks like priority check-in and boarding, priority main dining room meal assignments, priority debarkation and more. These included Guy’s Burger Joint, BlueIguana Cantina, BlueIguana Tequila Bar, RedFrog Rum Bar, Bonsai Sushi, Skybox Sports Bar, Alchemy Bar, RedFrog Pub and Cherry on Top. As such, you can expect to see pretty much all the classic Carnival restaurants and venues on this ship. The number of crew members is slightly higher than the older Fantasy-class vessels. Carnival Spirit is by no means a big ship, and that’s because it’s designed to be able to sail through the Panama Canal and deal with harsher regions, such as Greenland.

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